
                Manhattan Matter
                Sunflower BioMaterial  
                Copper Finishes

Bio Composites

Mycelium + Scoby 

Parsons School of Design
Collaborative Project


Testing Mycellium growth on diffrent medium , in a attemp to use house hold waste. 

Factors such as moisture, air, organic content, and type of waste significantly impact mycelium growth. Among the tested materials, eggshells were the least successful due to excessive calcium disrupting the balance with hemp hurd and mycelium mixture. Conversely, coffee shell waste proved most successful, providing optimal pH levels and moisture content for mycelium growth.

Mycelium and SCOBY Composite for Bio-Leather

The project further explores creating a novel material by combining mycelium with SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast). Kombucha, brewed from a tea base, produces a bacterial cellulose material resembling and performing similarly to leather, known as SCOBY. Mycelium, when grown with hemp hurd and baked, yields a lightweight material with good acoustic performance. However, it tends to be brittle and susceptible to breakage. SCOBY leather, when properly cured, possesses opposite properties, offering flexibility and tensile strength.


To enhance the performance and durability of mycelium, the project aimed to develop a bio-composite of mycelium and SCOBY. Two types of mycelium samples were tested: baked and unbaked. Both samples were submerged in a container of kombucha liquid and observed over several days. To enhance the performance and durability of mycelium, the project aimed to develop a bio-composite of mycelium and SCOBY. Two types of mycelium samples were tested: baked and unbaked. Both samples were submerged in a container of kombucha liquid and observed over several days. During this period, the unbaked mycelium, being a living entity, interacted with the kombucha, leading to the secretion of bubbles likely due to microbial respiration. After a few days, SCOBY formed a membrane that adhered to the mycelium without any adhesive, resulting in a naturally intertwined composite.

Upon harvesting after five days, the baked mycelium had a thinner SCOBY layer, while the unbaked mycelium had a thicker layer, possibly due to more vigorous interactions between the living organisms. However, after air drying, the thicker layer did not result in a stronger composite; instead, it was more brittle and prone to mold. Conversely, the composite with baked mycelium and a thin SCOBY layer developed into a material with a smooth, natural coating. This coating improved the properties of the mycelium panel, enhancing its performance and durability.

This project successfully demonstrates the potential of combining mycelium and SCOBY to create a bio-composite with improved properties, paving the way for sustainable material innovation.