
               Sarovar Bodhgaya - Hospitality
           Creative School - Education
           Gallery 7 - Exhibition Design
           Restroom - Renovation

               Ideas               Earthing Interiority
              Rendering Visibility
              Echoes of Play      
              Garden of Learning
              Bodies to Objects
              Theatre for Life
              Community Center
              The Machine
              The Boat Club  
              IJberg Dwelling

Rendering Visibility

Urban Interiors as Sites for Remediation 

Parsons School of Design
Individual Project

The proposed design project aims to address the complex ecological crisis and its impact on communities living in environmentally degraded areas, with a specific focus on soil toxicity in Newport, Jersey City.

By imagining an alternative future for soil remediation in an urban interior, the project introduces a closed-loop system using sunflowers, alfalfa, fungi (Aspergillus niger), and algae (Spirulina) to remediate the hexavalent chromium contaminated soil and water, diverging from the current practice of excavating and dumping toxic soil in landfills.

Present Methods-


A key objective of the project is to bring visibility to the process of remediation. Through the creation of a temporary and temporal public installation, the project seeks to educate and raise awareness about the presence of toxicity in the soil and water. This is crucial as this environmental issue often goes unnoticed. The project takes a critical stance by challenging the prevailing human-centric view of nature as a mere resource to be exploited, which has contributed to the Anthropocene.

Instead, it recognizes humans as interconnected agents within a complex ecological network. It emphasizes the significance of conviviality, relationality, and ecological exchanges among humans, more-than-humans, institutions, and objects. It encourages interior designers to envision and practice alternative forms of living that prioritize non-extractive production and consumption, social dynamics based on care and reciprocity, and an understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of ecological processes and question environmental justice from the standpoint of interior design.

Timeline of Operations- 

Bio Material Exploration with end of life leftovers-