
               Sarovar Bodhgaya - Hospitality
           Creative School - Education
           Gallery 7 - Exhibition Design
           Restroom - Renovation

               Ideas               Earthing Interiority
              Rendering Visibility
              Echoes of Play      
              Garden of Learning
              Bodies to Objects
              Theatre for Life
              Community Center
              The Machine
              The Boat Club  
              IJberg Dwelling

Theatre for Life

Architecture as Scaffolding 

Individual Project

The studio explored the role that architecture can have as ‘scaffolding’ upon which urban citizens can build their lives by suggesting public infrastructure insertions in different areas of the city to be built by the Municipal Corporation.


To arrive upon the strategy, we explored a particular geography of the city through a transect walk; we then understood narratives of communities who
live along the walk through postcards that look into different aspects of the neighborhood. These narratives indicate the nature of the infrastructure needed for that particular geography. Sitting in the dense fabric of Saki-Naka, the intent of the intervention is to provide for basic amenities of lodging and sanitation to the daily wage migrant laborer working in the neighborhood.

The design aims to create a sanctuary, a semi open space which is in close contact with nature, cut off from the street and the life outside; thus creating
a world within. The process explored movement through the site and form through model making, giving a better idea of scale and proportions.

This translated to internal spaces that spread and rise from the ground creating different levels that seamlessly flow into each other. The intersection of the ground plane at different levels creates spaces and corners where the dormitory, public toilets, recreational facilities and places of interaction for the users are tucked in. The thin metal cage acts as a huge pergola encapsulating the heavy structure within.

Section AA’

Front Elevation