
               Sarovar Bodhgaya - Hospitality
           Creative School - Education
           Gallery 7 - Exhibition Design
           Restroom - Renovation

               Ideas               Earthing Interiority
              Rendering Visibility
              Echoes of Play      
              Garden of Learning
              Bodies to Objects
              Theatre for Life
              Community Center
              The Machine
              The Boat Club  
              IJberg Dwelling

The Boatclub

Reviving the Waterfront , Lucknow 

Individual DesignProject
Collaborative Urban Design

The studio looked at re-establishing connects of the city of Lucknow to the river Gomti . Over the years, the  relationship of the river Gomti to the city has been in a constant state of flux . The studio tried to uncover these relations through history and manifest them in the present day. It was achieved with the introduction of tools of reading urban form  , the “soft city” - the lived city as it is experienced. The Studio primarily looked at ways of reviving the riverfront getting more people to engage with it as opposed to the present senario . A common  idea through the exercise was the recognition of the Gomtis’ potential at be a possible mode of local transport for the city. Hence the idea of proposing a boat club/ferry terminals at important nodes.


The Boatclub is an extension to the existing K.D. Singh Babu Stadium complex and provides for the necessary infrastructure for water sports to take place in the city.It is ideal since the stadium regularly holds rowing competitions without the necessary infrastructure. The boat club would be a dedicated facility for the same.


The intentition of the project is to draw more people to the river front using water sports as a medium. The design creates an axis from the stadium complex , to the boatclub .This axis splits to create three paths of public movement one over the roof of the boatclub ,one through the boatclub and one through the public plaza (central to the temple , heathcare center , aquatics center and boatclub). to the river. The different watersport progams are separated from each other and extend as fingers over the embankment in to the flood plain. 

Section CC’

Urban Design

City Level Study 

Master Planning

Area Level  - Butler Colony
The Butler colony in Lucknow encompases a major residential area for the influnetial government officials with several institutional and commercial hubs nearby. Hazratganj, with its arcaded street is always busy , bustling with activities.

The intent of Master planning is to understand the land use in each of the areas and respond to them collectively in a manner that they improve the connectivity of the area, provide spaces for relaxation and entertainment and most importantly re-establish the relationship of the River Gomti to the city and its people. To attain this, public mobility is boosted and built forms and institutions such as The Boat club and Horticulture Institute are introduced. The nature of the embankment is altered to make it more permeable rather than being a divide.The stadium complex is restructured and imagined to be a new sports hub for the city with all the auxillary activities,connected to the Lucknow University for the ease of the students.A new network of cycling and pedestrian friendly roads is thought of so as to connect these residential ,sports and commercial energies and eventually lead it to the re-imagined river front of Gomti.